Art Hindle - Lucky? ... Indeed!
Art Hindle discusses playing Dr. Geoffrey Howell | "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1978)
Art Hindle, born Arthur Hindle on July 21, 1948, in Halifax to a Royal Canadian Navy father, Art's mother soon had him back in their home town of Toronto, Ontario. He grew up in the "Beaches" of Toronto a big fan of Elvis Presley and rock n' roll. Although shy as a child, he grew to be a rebellious and independent teenager. This lead him to much traveling, mostly by hitch-hiking, picking up odd jobs, meeting all sorts of people from red-necks to freedom marchers to surfers and everyone in between. By the time he was 21, he was a father, a stockbroker and an amateur photographer. A much admired uncle of Art's was Michael Kane, a talented and successful actor, albeit not to be confused with the one who once bowed before the Queen, as Art reminds us! This had piqued Art's interest in acting during his teens. Although fairly successful himself, as a broker, he basically felt unfulfilled and eventually, after being inspired and touched by a Toronto Workshop Productions play, he made the commitment to leave the stock market for theatre. Although he worked, basically, as an unglorified gofer for a few months with TWP, eventually he got an acting agent, mostly with a false resume, and started auditioning mostly for commercials. It was at this time that Art credits a discovery that changed his future. Someone, he can't remember who, directed him to the Eli Rill Workshop. Eli had moved to Toronto from New York, where he taught at the Actor's Studio. Kind, gentle and articulate, Eli lucidly communicated techniques and explorations of the Method. Art thrived in this environment and soon started applying his knowledge to getting acting jobs. His first big role was in a biker movie, "The Proud Rider" (1971), spawned by the popularity of "Easy Rider" (1969). Art actually worked with a real motorcycle gang, the Satan's Choice. It was during the making of this rather bad movie that Art almost changed his professional name to Jeremy Kane. The producers thought that Art should have a more "show biz" name and took his photo to a girls school and asked the students to suggest first names and last names. They then took these names to Art and asked him to pick one of each. He liked the name Jeremy and chose Kane in honor of his uncle. The first person he called was his uncle Michael. Michael told him in no uncertain terms to stick to his own name. Art did so, but the other name is still connected to the film. The other anecdote was when the producers asked Art if he could ride a "bike," he took them "literally" and said he could, but that when it came to motorcycles his brother Lang Hindle was much better, being a champion road racer. Cast for the part late on a Thursday, Art had to learn to ride a motorcycle by Monday morning. The next big step was being cast as Billy Duke, the best hockey player in the world, drafted by the Maple Leafs to lead them back to the playoffs in the film "Winter Comes Early" (1971), Canada's first million-dollar movie. This film led to offers from Hollywood, which he resisted until work dried up and Art, who had 4 children by this time, finally moved to Los Angeles.
Art credits much of his success in California to luck. He felt he was lucky having Patricia McQueeney as his manager and a dynamic pair of agents in Arnold Rifkin and Nichole David. Over the years Art has come to be known as a "working actor" involved as a leading actor in some "classic" films and numerous pilots and series. His work in "ENG", one Canada's most successful series, won him a Acting Gemini and his Pete Braga in "Paradise Falls" (2001) has been described as a "classic performance" although Art credits brilliant writing for all the plaudits. Also, in the early 1990s, Art added the credit Director to his impressive resume. He and his beautiful wife, Brooke now split time between California, Florida and Canada spending time with their much beloved children, all 8 of them, and their 6 grandchildren. Lucky? Indeed!
The best advice I can offer comes from one true pedagogues of the craft, Stella Adler who said:
"Actors should stimulate emotional experience by imagining the scene's 'given circumstances,' rather than recalling experiences from their own lives."
Hands down the best acting teacher there ever was... Read anything & everything she has ever written about acting...
Anecdote about Stella : There's a story by a student who studied with Adler, who slowly peeled her bra off under her clothes, while lecturing about Tennessee Williams in Los Angeles, "You listened to me, didn't you, because you were fascinated with what I was doing with my bra?" Adler insisted on the truth living in our imagination and that it was an "unending pool of information and research to be accessed."And of equal value, this quote from Uncle Michael Kane: "In your career, you may have to eat crap, but you don't have to say 'Yummy'!"
Talent Agencies
Talent Agent The Characters Talent Agency | Personal Appearances Full Empire Promotions |
2019-2021 Holly Hobbie (TV Series)
Grandpa Hobbie
2021 SurrealEstate (TV Series)
Carl Roman
2018-2020 Good Witch (TV Series)
Arthur Pershing
2018 Imposters (TV Series)
Mr. Hull Sr.
2016-2017 Dot. (TV Series)
Mister Sherman / Mr. Sherman
2016 Shoot the Messenger (TV Series)
Hal Sherbrooke
2016 Bitten (TV Series)
Mayor Sam Talbot
2014 Dark Rising: Warrior of Worlds (TV Series)
2013 Off2Kali Comedy (TV Series)
Santa Claus
2011 Degrassi: The Next Generation (TV Series)
Head of Admission
2010 Living in Your Car (TV Series)
2010 Air Crash Investigation (TV Series documentary)
Captain Colin Shaw
2009 Cra$h & Burn (TV Series)
Don McCutcheon
2009 The Border (TV Series)
Cole Thorpe
2001-2008 Paradise Falls (TV Series)
Pete Braga
2008 M.V.P. (TV Series)
Timothy Stern
2005 Canadian Case Files (TV Series)
2005 Puppets Who Kill (TV Series)
US General
2002-2003 Tom Stone (TV Series)
Neil McQuinn
2002 Mutant X (TV Series)
Noah Kilmartin
2000 The Young and the Restless (TV Series)
Robert Windsor
1999 Total Recall 2070 (TV Series)
Frank Trower
1999 Millennium (TV Series)
John Saxum
1998 Due South (TV Series)
Robert Bedford
1996-1997 North of 60 (TV Series)
Harry Dobbs
1996-1997 Beverly Hills, 90210 (TV Series)
Police Detective / Detective Bill Rendell
1996 Poltergeist: The Legacy (TV Series)
Professor Jordan Slater
1996 Walker, Texas Ranger (TV Series)
M.P. Bates
1995 Kung Fu: The Legend Continues (TV Series)
Martin Bradshaw
1995 Lonesome Dove: The Series (TV Mini Series)
1994 Matlock (TV Series)
Philip Chaney
1989-1994 E.N.G. (TV Series)
Mike Fennell
1988-1989 Alfred Hitchcock Presents (TV Series)
Jack Gold / Alton Brooks
1989 L.A. Law (TV Series)
Walter Goetz
1989 Friday the 13th: The Series (TV Series)
1988 Street Legal (TV Series)
Karl Morgan
1988 Night Heat (TV Series)
1988 21 Jump Street (TV Series)
1987 Once a Hero (TV Series)
James Bowie
1986-1987 Murder, She Wrote (TV Series)
Rod Wilson / Sam McKittrick
1987 Hunter (TV Series)
1986 Our House (TV Series)
Jeff Buchanan
1985 Berrenger's (TV Series)
Todd Hughes
1985 MacGyver (TV Series)
Dave Redding
1985 Airwolf (TV Series)
Karl Stern
1985 Scarecrow and Mrs. King (TV Series)
Larry Crawford
1985 Crazy Like a Fox (TV Series)
1984 The Master (TV Series)
Randy Blake
1982 Tucker's Witch (TV Series)
Rick Tucker
1981-1982 Dallas (TV Series)
Jeff Farraday
1981 Walking Tall (TV Series)
Stuart Clausen
1977 For the Record (TV Series)
1977 Barnaby Jones (TV Series)
Joe Bronson
1977 James at 16 (TV Series)
Jud Lawrence
1977 Kingston: Confidential (TV Series)
Tony Marino
1976 The Blue Knight (TV Series)
1976 Most Wanted (TV Series)
Eddie Harris
1976 Baretta (TV Series)
Russell Walters
1975 Starsky and Hutch (TV Series)
John Colby
1975 Police Story (TV Series)
1972 George (TV Series)
1972 Programme X (TV Series)
Melissa's boyfriend
1971 Police Surgeon (TV Series)
* © Indiwire
** © 1979 New World Pictures
*** Photo by Francis Crescia
Another great addition!
Another great addition to this long running section on the working actor.
Art Hindle has enjoyed one terrific career, and deserves this recognition!