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    Primary Department
    Primary Occupation
    Stunt Player
    Secondary Occupation(s)
    Day Player Actor
    Stunt Double
    Utility Stunt Player
    Union/Guild Affiliation(s)
    Screen Actors Guild/American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG/AFTRA)
    IndustryCentral is proud to welcome Jean Coulter as a contributing author to our "Crafts" features. "Jeanne" brings her expertise garnered from a career which began in the late 1960's working for some of the leading Stunt Coordinators and Second Unit Directors of the day. She holds a status as a "pioneer" in the field of women in stunts!

    With over 80 listed Stunt and Acting credits on IMDb, "Jeanie" worked on most all the Charlies Angels' TV episodes stunt doubling Farrah Fawcett and Cheryl Ladd, Kate Jackson and Jacklyn Smith. She doubled for the likes of Faye Dunaway, and Heather Locklear, Dee Wallace, Heather Thomas, Lynda Carter, among many more. She will be sharing her experiences with us in a sequence of articles entitled "Condessions of a Retired Stunt Woman".
    Personal Quote:
    " Where there is a will, there is a way! You can do anything you want to do, just set your mind to it and make it happen!"
    ~~ Jean Coulter

      Member for

      6 years 11 months